Liquidity Lock

Initial Liquidity

Locked by dxsale

Additional Liquidity

Periodically burned as a event

Liquidity Pool (LP) Holder Status

Liquidity Pool (LP) token holder status is below (2021.12.08)

0x5b5e94485c9628793b01a38762921dc37b6829b6 is dxlock contract

like in the above link, 1 year lock duration is done.

because of auto-liquidity, this became 100% -> 36% (while burned amount is 61%)

and as time goes by, it will go way lower. (burned will be increased)

So when it gets unlocked, (expecting 3% or less at that time) it will also be burned right away.

0xb1b9b4bbe8a92d535f5df2368e7fd2ecfb3a1950 This is Official Pancakeswap wallet address which gathers all LP from all the pairs made from pancakeswap.

0xe710d22dcf97779ee598085d96b5df60aa382f6b is UpFinity Marketing Address

This is used for so many multiple LP Token Burn Events

Others are below 0.0000% so neglible.

Last updated