How to use AutoShill

1. Login to official google site

Type manually by yourself or click below

This is the official google hosted site which can run code using google's server We already made code easy to do the automatic shilling by anyone :)

3. (optional) Save all infos

If you save all info and don't want to input infos again in the future, follow this process

4.1. Type 'phone number' in this section

phone number is needed to get confirm code by telegram

don't touch 'address' part!

(Don't touch line of [%%writefile])

4.2. (Optional) Add media for the shilling

Guide will be provided soon

4.3. Set target groups

I have already listed some basic groups to shill.

you can add more groups to shill with a format of [@aaaaa]

(Don't touch line of [%%writefile])

4.4. Set shill text

Write down shill text you want to shill

(Don't touch line of [%%writefile])

5. Execute the AutoShill

If you hover mouse in the '[ ]', it changes to play button.

If you click it, it changes like this.

Click the play button for below sections

6. Type 'login code' for telegram app

At the last play button click, it will ask you for the login code

And official telegram app will send you the code.

Then click that blinking cursor,

And write the code and click enter

7. Then the AutoShill will be started 👏

You don't need to do anything after that, just leave the webpage open.

It will last for at least 6 hours.

If stopped, follow #5/#6/#7 again!

Last updated